Marion/Harrison Street Prayer walk 5-29-8
We are praying and walking up and down the streets of our city. I am posting these reports of what happens on our evenings of street ministry. I bought a Radio Flyer Wagon to pull along behind us as we walk. That is kind of our trademark for people to recognize us by. Chris Nord and I went walking and praying tonight in the Marion/Harrison Street neighborhood. Terry Wallin was sick. Melissa Wolfinger was, to man's way of thinking late, but right on time with God's plan. . . more about that later. Chris and I had a really good evening. We talked with a large number of people all up and down both streets. Many children really like the fliers and the Bible verse cards. We stopped and talked and prayed with Cigar Bob (This for my Dad, his last name is Smith). He really seemed to enjoy our sitting and chatting with him on his front porch for a while. As old as Cigar Bob is, he had a friend sitting maybe 10 feet away from him, on the other end of the porch, who was even older t...