Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

I hand out these little fliers each week in the neighborhood surrounding our church. Here is the back side of the flier for April, 29, 2008.

That was the title of a famous Country & Western song from years ago. Lots of truth in those words. We look for love in lots of places. . . we are depressed & disappointed when we do not find it. Everyone needs to be loved, but perfect love always escapes us. There is only One who will love me in spite of all my ugliness. It took me years of bad choices to find Him. I tried all the wrong things & all the wrong places. I wanted joy & happiness. I hungered for true love. I didn’t find it in drugs. I didn’t find it in alcohol. I didn’t find it in one night stands. All those things gave a momentary pleasure, but afterwards each left me feeling emptier, lonelier & more despairing than before. . . I now have a lasting joy, a deep satisfaction & pleasure that never leaves me feeling hollow, hung-over, & misused.

My Love’s name is Jesus. He chased me for years.
He calls your name. He is knocking at the door of your heart. Open yourself to Him and find love. . .


Anonymous said…
Amen to this. Knowing and having a relationship with God will really change your life if you genuinely seek him. People are going to disappoint us, but God never will.

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