Looking for a Messiah. . .

For we know that the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now.
(Romans 8:22)

The ancient bones of the earth shudder and shiver in feverish trembling. . .The waters are violently troubled, sweeping away cities and inundating multitudes of people. The winds of unrest blow increasingly, unceasingly. . .unpredictably. Epidemics of anxiety and sleeplessness drive whole peoples into chemical sanctuaries of refuge and peace.

A savior is hungered for. . .Where is he??? Fear mongers prosper. Fear of financial meltdown. . .fear of planet wide ecological catastrophe. . . fear of illegal immigrants. . . .fear of globalization. .. .fear of asteroids causing perpetual worldwide winter, fear of volcanic eruptions decimating continents. . .fear of terrorists attacking with dirty bombs, engineered biological plagues, poison gasses . . .fear of AIDS, SARS, H1N1. . . an alphabet soup of influenza epidemics. . .fear of China. . .fear of our own government. . .hope fades. . .fear. . .fear. . .fear. . .rises on every compass point. . .a drumbeat. . .a heartbeat of darkness wells up within the masses. Fear motivates people to move in directions otherwise rejected. Fear is a tool well wielded by the princes of the world. Wielding only fear, the hunter drives the entire herd over the cliff. Mass panic accomplishing for him in a moment, what he could never be able to do on his own.

Fear. . .a powerful tool. . .and not of God.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)

Selling their shallow theology of self-serving salvation, fattening their pockets and increasing their power, playing the role of prophet and messiah, while in truth wolves poorly wrapped in sheep's clothing. . . fading away, to be replaced by another unholy theological fad.

Where is the savior of the world??? The Jewish people missed Him 2000 years ago. For hundreds of years they watched and waited. . .Questioning each new arrival on the scene, “Are you the one we wait for?” Blind to the source of their own salvation, not knowing what was needed to save them, not knowing where the true danger lie, they looked in wrong directions. . .mistaking darkness for light and light for darkness. . .

They watched for one dressed in fine robes. . . They waited for one highly educated in the ways of man. They dreamed of a political leader to free them from political bondage. When the king arrived robed not in royal velvet, but in coarsely woven swaddling clothes. . .lacking everything monetary, born a child of pecuniary poverty thereby blinding the admiring eyes of worldly riches.

Today, the power of the Messiah is available in our midst. No other savior comes, but all eyes are on the high and powerful. . .President Obama. . .fellow Nobel Laureate Al Gore. . .darling of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin. . .all offer their own flavor of false hope. Our ship of state lurches from liberal to conservative and back again and again and again blown by the changing winds of public opinion , without satisfaction. Wagging fingers, ever able to say, “I told you so.” Each day brings fresh hope, only to soon grow stale and mold eaten by the reality of inherent human impotence to address the deeply systemic problems of our world. Our problems are not economic, not ecological, not political. . . but spiritual. All creation groaneth. . .all eyes keenly watch the horizon for the saviour, but His work of salvation has long been done.

I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
(Isaiah 43:11)

Yes. . .He comes again. . . Each day brings His return nearer. He will come on the road of the risen Son. He will once again be revealed to have always been in our midst, but do not mistake. . . He comes next as Judge, as Harvester. . .His hope for the lost expired. . .He come as Bridegroom to take his faithful bride to the wedding banquet in the air.

Attire yourself properly today for the wedding. Fill your lamps now even in the twilight with oil. . .symbolic of the Spirit of God and be ready for the deepening gloom. The time of mercy and grace is now. There is no tomorrow guaranteed.

Happiness is not on the next hill, forever receding into the future. True joy doesn’t await until the next election or the next rise in the stock market. Always something will be found to delay your true fulfillment. . . that is, if you seek your contentment in the physical, it will always be a temporary, fleeting state. Life eternal begins today. . . be reborn into the kingdom of God. . . discover what that mean. . .

Look to Him for your joy. . .look to Him for your security. . . look to Him for your peace and comfort. Only He cannot be taken from you. His solutions are eternal. . .

I pray that your eyes are opened. . .that your ears are unstopped. . .

Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see.
(Isaiah 42:18)

Understand the foretold. . .there is no mystery. . .In Jesus name I pray. . .hear. . .look. . .that ye may see. . .

I love you my God. . .
I love you my Lord. . .

Please help us. . .
Please give us wisdom. . . to reach our world. . .


Cathy said…
Thank you for the truth. There are so many people today that go around with closed eyes, ears & hearts that miss experiencing what God can do in a life. I pray that God will soon open the eyes to see, the ears to hear & the hardened hearts to open and really see God and know how a true personal relationship with Him means. And what you can do with God as the director in your life.

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