I am  working on memorizing Psalm 139.  Memorization does not come at all easy to me.  I have to go back and review previous verses to keep them anchored in my mind. In my review this morning verse 12 stood out to me: 

Psalms 139:12 KJV 
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. The darkness hideth not from thee: The night shineth as the day; 

This verse powerfully spoke to me. God doesn't see by visible light, as we do. God's sight is deeper, and reveals hidden things. The Hubble telescope, viewed the universe in visible light, which is only a miniscule part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The recently launched James Webb telescope, views the universe in the invisible to us, infrared. . . heat portion of the spectrum, and in its first few pictures is revealing stunning hidden stars and structures. The James Webb resides far out into space, away from other celestial bodies, where the temperature is only a few degrees above absolute zero, where all subatomic motion stops. In this cold, the Webb can detect objects by their heat hidden behind clouds of dust, thereby invisible to our eyes. Sin is darkness. 

Sin is the absence of light and heat. Physical appearance can disguise sin, but heat and light cannot be hidden in the infrared, no matter the dust, and distraction of outward appearance. God sees through all that. He sees the inner person. Do you radiate warmth and love and light? Or are you a cold empty shell, beautiful on the outside, but a dark void within? Do not fool yourself. Psalms 139:11 KJV If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. God sees through it all. He sees the inner man. . . Fill yourself with warmth, and light, and love. Come into a close relationship with God, and your fellow man. . . Find a place of peace, and joy, and hope for your eternal home. . . I love you my God. . . I thank you my Lord. . .


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