A Perfect Mirror

A Perfect Mirror. . .

I remember my Grandpa Brown, my Mother’s Dad,. . . the only Grandpa I ever knew, as being one who loved gadgets and the latest technology. Younger people today may laugh at the thought of a techno-geek grandpa in the 1960’s, but that’s what he was.

I still remember the time he came to visit us, excited to show us his new reel to reel tape recorder, and the wonder of hearing your my voice for the first time still stays with me. Another time he showed up at our house with, a cutting edge for the day, Polaroid camera, and it was interesting but not quite as magical to see a picture within a minute or two, for I had already seen myself in a mirror. But that scene from long ago, brings to my mind what magic a mirror would be to someone who had never seen themselves before. The shock I think would be immense, to see yourself for the first time. . .

There are always parallels between the physical and the spiritual. As one living their life without a physical mirror. . . being disconcerted at seeing themselves for the first time. How would they even recognize themselves at first sight, and so it is with many today who live their lives with no spiritual mirror.

Without a physical mirror to view yourself, it is surely so easy to forget about or be ignorant of warts, or moles, or scars hidden by their very closeness to you. . . too close to see without a mirror. . . the same with spiritual flaws.

I can remember so vividly, what a good person I thought myself to be. . . yeah I lied. . .I stole. . .I was often drunk. . .and on and on. . . but still in my view the good things I did, completely outweighed the bad. I had never seen myself in a spiritual mirror. I had no clue as to my appearance in the spiritual. It is so easy for me to rationalize, and to justify my spiritual ugliness without a spiritual mirror.

I really did think myself spiritually beautiful, not realizing that I had a crooked nose, and warts, and infected seeping pus filled spiritual sores that I was totally unaware of. . . until. . . until. . .until. . . I met Jesus, and by His light and absolute righteousness, He became a perfect spiritual mirror for me. Without judgement, or condemnation from Him. . . my imperfection reflected in His image and contrasted in His perfectness. . .it was by His flawlessness, and yet complete love for me, that my eyes were opened. I thought myself so wise, but I was such a fool. . .

I was with a friend recently, the very image of my past self. . . who stole something. I didn’t make any mention of it, but when our eyes met, and he saw that I had noticed, he justified himself by telling me that many others he knew did the same thing. . .

Jesus speaking:

Matthew 7:21-23
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Many will say to me in that day. . .
Many will say to me in that day. . .
Many will say to me in that day. . .

Will it make you feel more comfortable to march over a cliff to your destruction surrounded by many? There is no protection in what many say, and in what many do. . .

Again Jesus:

Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

In your life, are you traveling on a busy path? Are you in the midst of a crowd? Are there many taking the same road as you? The presence of many others around you, should not be a comfort, but a warning. . .The path of righteousness is not crowded. . .few there be that find it. . .

I was so sure I was beautiful. With no mirror, it was so easy to explain away, and ignore my ugliness. . .

I once was blind, but now I see. . .
I thank you Jesus for opening my eyes, and loving me when I was so unlovable. . .

