Soul Talk. . .

I speak not to your flesh, with its malignant hungers and desires. I speak not to your mind, with its corrosive pride and rebelliousness. I speak to your Soul, that everlasting spiritual part of you, which will eternally live with the consequences of the actions of your flesh and your mind.

You Soul. . .You need to take command. Long after the shell of this body is dust. . .ages after your mind has succumbed to dementia and unconsciousness, cloaked by the false escape of death, you will remain, forever remembering and reliving each day of life, replaying each minute of each day of your life on this earth. . .far too late for repentance. . .ages after forgiveness can be granted. . .painful wishful aching remorse. . .rivers of eyeless tears shed in the horror of suffocating darkness. . .endless and hopeless weeping for a life lived and relived. . .again and again replayed. . .vividly minutely remembering, your rebellion and denial of God.

Long ages after the lust of the flesh has faded from memory. . .Uncountable years after the pride of life is shown to be of counterfeit importance. . .the consequences of these temporary temporal decisions will remain.

You Soul, must manifest yourself. You Soul, must exert the force of your will in this lifetime, for you will stand alone stripped of body and mind, before He who is pure, and unblemished, and eternally holy and righteous. . . Your false sense of your own goodness will be shown for the dark lie that it truly is.

I cry. . .I shed tears for you. The lie of your present life, was also the lie of my life past. The memories of that past, the memories of my self justification and pride remain in tatters. I can see all my foolishness for what it was. . .BUT!!!. . .BUT!!!. . .BUT!!! I have only the regrets of the memories. I have deep scars from the past, but I have received greater healing. I came to awareness with time ahead of the consequences. I regret the foolishness of wasted decades, but I rejoice in the forgiveness and peace, which I have now found.

I bent my knee. . .I gave up my pride. . .I turned away from the lusts of my flesh before it was too late. . .I was a fool. . .I was blind, but my Soul overcame and I will live forever in celebration of that day. . .

I pray for you. . .I pray for you Soul to come to the light and be cleansed. . .Listen Soul. . . . .Listen to the call of God. . .

I love you my God. . .
I love you my Lord. . .
My Soul abides within you. . .
My Soul rejoices the day it found You. . .

