Street ministry - Middlebury Street 8-4-9

Had a very good evening last night. I was by myself. Nothing huge, but I was able to talk and pray with a good number of people. A woman and her two brothers were sitting on their porch by the little grocery store on Middlebury. I have spoken to them in passing as I gave them the flier for a couple of weeks now. This time the young mother asked for prayer more in exasperation than anything else. She said she wanted prayer for her youngest son. . . maybe 4 years old. He was playing on the sidewalk as we talked. She said that he just would not listen to her.

As she gathered him in to be prayed for, she decided that the entire family would get a blessing by being prayed for, so she called together her two little girls about 5 and 6 years old, her young son, and her two brothers. I anointed them all and we lifted up a wonderful prayer to God, for wisdom for her, for financial help, for her children to be Godly men and women, blessings to all who know them, for God to talk to her, to let her know that He hears her prayers, for God to guide her and to give her a hug. It was a wonderful time. After we finished the young boy just came up to me and gave me the biggest hug, followed closely by his 2 sisters. It was so sweet. I was touched by these little acts kindness from the children.

I was able to pray with another group of people in the apartments. Again, I have spoken with them for several weeks now. One of the ladies went and sent for another young woman who was clearly in the last days of her pregnancy. She would not vocalize her desires from God, but her eyes spoke of fear and need. I anointed all the ladies. They lay their hands on their friends gravid belly as we prayed in the warmth of the summer afternoon. We prayed for protection for the unborn child, for a blessing for the mother, for healing and restoration for the mother. . .

I talked with numbers of other people. . . talked with David. His brother is still in the hospital. As I was taking Blessing Bob home from church Sunday, there was an ambulance at David and Zoe's house. I had seen David mowing his lawn on the way to church. I feared for him and I stopped, but the ambulance was for his brother who was taken ill while visiting David and Zoe. He did have a heart attack at their house.

I'm making acquaintance with new people every time I go out.

I received a call from Mary Weaver, who is a Mennonite lady that ministers with her husband Kermit at the jail. (Kermit did my mother's funeral, for those of you who were there) Mary asked that if possible Matt Yeater and I go to Goshen and talk with a man who is mostly blind. We have been talking about this for several weeks and as I walked down Middlebury Street we did a 3-way call with the man's former wife. Matt and I did go and minister to the man after Life Tabernacle prayed for him and over a prayer cloth which we gave him. The meeting went very well and we have plans on coming back to do a regular Bible study with the man and several others in the near future.

It was a wonderful evening. . .

Thank you my God. . .



Anonymous said…
Wow. You're a really good writer and a great photog.

Keep up the good work!!!