Prayer Walk 4-22-8
We are praying and walking up and down the streets of our city. I am posting these reports of what happens on our evenings of street ministry. I bought a Radio Flyer Wagon to pull along behind us as we walk. That is kind of our trademark for people to recognize us by.
We had a wonderful evening tonight. Terry Wallin, Kyle, Ed, & Ruby Kilgore and myself handed out both the usual weekly fliers and Revival announcements that Ruby created for the revival this week.
I think it was so good having a lady, Ruby in particular along, I surely appreciated Terry and Ed and Kyle, but so many ladies talked with Ruby. Many were just mesmerized by her hair. She was wearing it just straight down and she was able to give such a wonderful testimony about it. We anointed and prayed with numbers of people. We anointed and prayed over quite a number of prayer cloths for people who had different requests. The neighborhood flier has the church number on it. We were able to tell people that Ruby was the voice at the other end of the church number on the flier, most days of the week
A couple of ladies in particular I remember us anointing and praying with. They were hesitant at first. There were three or four ladies sitting in the front entryway of their building in the apartments. They wanted prayer they said, but not right there and now. We told them that is one of the reasons that we walk through the neighborhood each week, was to pray for people. I told them we could anoint and pray over a cloth and they could put it in their pillow case or keep it where ever it would be close to them. One lady agreed to that, so I anointed the cloth and placed it in her hand. We put our hands on hers and we prayed. She desired God to give her mental peace, to calm her mind. We prayed a wonderful prayer there in the open air sunshine with the other ladies looking on. Then another lady asked for prayer for her financial situation, we prayed with her. As we were leaving I talked to them about how asking for prayer and praying to God was an act of faith. It is an expression of your belief in God to ask Him for something and He loves to answer prayers to help build our faith. We told the ladies we would be back next week to hear their testimonies of what God has done. . .
Kyle thought it really cool, "better than TV and video games. . ." that made me smile. So many people were out, especially in the apartments. I ran out of the Bible verse cards I printed for this week and had to go into another stack. People are so friendly and they are responding so very well.
We prayed with a number of young girls over on a porch on Aspenwald, wonderful young women having the courage to lay aside their self-consciousness to ask God for something with their friends looking on.
I had one lady on Aspenwald ask me not to leave any more literature on her porch. She had a religion of her own, she told me, but for that one negative response we had scores if not hundreds of positive reactions.
It was a great great night. . .
Dave Stokely
Here is Sister Ruby's response:
This is my response, It was such an awesome evening. I was so glad to go and I believe God did use my hair as an open door to minister to others and talk about the Lord although I at times felt a bit awkward as ladies would ask to touch it as if it was magical hair or something. I explained to all the ladies that asked that a woman's hair is her glory, I asked them, "what is the most important thing to you to check on yourself before you leave to go somewhere???" They replied my hair.. I didn't want to go into much detail, but I told the ladies in Corinthians the bible explains the details. I just can't describe the feeling of being able to pray with people and hand out flyers. I must admit when we walked down to the apartments where everyone had beer bottles in hand and looked as if they were "partying" I was a bit nervous, but we just walked through with Jesus walking with us and people had a beer bottle in one hand and revival flyers and prayer cards in the other hand. It was awesome. I seen one of the ladies that has been coming here to church in group of drinkers and she proudly announced I will be there. This is truly a great ministry outside the four walls of LTC. Thanks Bro. Dave, People need God and hunger and thirst for what we already have. I can't go every week, but I would recommend if you feel the Lord is calling you to go hand out flyers one Tuesday with Dave you will not regret it. Powerful time and maybe just maybe you could be the light to someone's so dark world.
We had a wonderful evening tonight. Terry Wallin, Kyle, Ed, & Ruby Kilgore and myself handed out both the usual weekly fliers and Revival announcements that Ruby created for the revival this week.
I think it was so good having a lady, Ruby in particular along, I surely appreciated Terry and Ed and Kyle, but so many ladies talked with Ruby. Many were just mesmerized by her hair. She was wearing it just straight down and she was able to give such a wonderful testimony about it. We anointed and prayed with numbers of people. We anointed and prayed over quite a number of prayer cloths for people who had different requests. The neighborhood flier has the church number on it. We were able to tell people that Ruby was the voice at the other end of the church number on the flier, most days of the week
A couple of ladies in particular I remember us anointing and praying with. They were hesitant at first. There were three or four ladies sitting in the front entryway of their building in the apartments. They wanted prayer they said, but not right there and now. We told them that is one of the reasons that we walk through the neighborhood each week, was to pray for people. I told them we could anoint and pray over a cloth and they could put it in their pillow case or keep it where ever it would be close to them. One lady agreed to that, so I anointed the cloth and placed it in her hand. We put our hands on hers and we prayed. She desired God to give her mental peace, to calm her mind. We prayed a wonderful prayer there in the open air sunshine with the other ladies looking on. Then another lady asked for prayer for her financial situation, we prayed with her. As we were leaving I talked to them about how asking for prayer and praying to God was an act of faith. It is an expression of your belief in God to ask Him for something and He loves to answer prayers to help build our faith. We told the ladies we would be back next week to hear their testimonies of what God has done. . .
Kyle thought it really cool, "better than TV and video games. . ." that made me smile. So many people were out, especially in the apartments. I ran out of the Bible verse cards I printed for this week and had to go into another stack. People are so friendly and they are responding so very well.
We prayed with a number of young girls over on a porch on Aspenwald, wonderful young women having the courage to lay aside their self-consciousness to ask God for something with their friends looking on.
I had one lady on Aspenwald ask me not to leave any more literature on her porch. She had a religion of her own, she told me, but for that one negative response we had scores if not hundreds of positive reactions.
It was a great great night. . .
Dave Stokely
Here is Sister Ruby's response:
This is my response, It was such an awesome evening. I was so glad to go and I believe God did use my hair as an open door to minister to others and talk about the Lord although I at times felt a bit awkward as ladies would ask to touch it as if it was magical hair or something. I explained to all the ladies that asked that a woman's hair is her glory, I asked them, "what is the most important thing to you to check on yourself before you leave to go somewhere???" They replied my hair.. I didn't want to go into much detail, but I told the ladies in Corinthians the bible explains the details. I just can't describe the feeling of being able to pray with people and hand out flyers. I must admit when we walked down to the apartments where everyone had beer bottles in hand and looked as if they were "partying" I was a bit nervous, but we just walked through with Jesus walking with us and people had a beer bottle in one hand and revival flyers and prayer cards in the other hand. It was awesome. I seen one of the ladies that has been coming here to church in group of drinkers and she proudly announced I will be there. This is truly a great ministry outside the four walls of LTC. Thanks Bro. Dave, People need God and hunger and thirst for what we already have. I can't go every week, but I would recommend if you feel the Lord is calling you to go hand out flyers one Tuesday with Dave you will not regret it. Powerful time and maybe just maybe you could be the light to someone's so dark world.
Thank you God for the opportunities you put before us. Thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit. I worship you my King.