Marion/Harrison Street Prayer walk 5-22-8

We are praying and walking up and down the streets of our city. I am posting these reports of what happens on our evenings of street ministry. I bought a Radio Flyer Wagon to pull along behind us as we walk. That is kind of our trademark for people to recognize us by.

Hello All,

This was our second week in the Marion/Harrison Street neighborhood. Melissa Wolfinger, Chris Nord, Alex Barkley, Terry Wallin and I walked and prayed tonight. We had a wonderful evening. The weather still being cool kept many people indoors. I estimate that there were only about a half or a third of the number of people who will be out on warmer evenings, but even with that we talked and prayed with many many people. We are beginning to be recognized. The people are very friendly toward us.

Lots of people wanted prayer to help them find jobs.

An ancient old railroader sitting on his porch, Cigar Bob (he told us was his name), asked for healing of his broken shoulder and for his Social Security checks to be straightened out. Someone stole his identity and forged his name and his checks are all fouled up. He is having financial difficulties as a result. My dad retired from the railroad after 44 years of service (I think that was the number). Cigar Bob said he remembered my Dad. He told me railroad stories for 10 or 15 minutes from 50 years ago. He was very glad to have someone to talk to. I anointed him and prayed with him. He asks for the church's prayers. He told me with surprising determination in his voice, "I know Jesus. He is why I am alive today." He went on to give Terry and I a testimony on how the Lord had healed him on several occasions.

A young Hispanic boy, maybe 9 or 10 asked for us to pray for his father to come home from jail. He was very troubled. It about broke my heart. The five of us joined together prayed for the young boy as he sat on the sidewalk curb. Please hear his prayer Lord. . .

A lady just moved into the neighborhood. I think she had three children. She had been beaten severely several times in her old neighborhood. She has mental problems. We anointed her and prayed for healing for her. We also gave her a Bible.

Numbers of young people we joined with and prayed with. . . Lots of porches. . . Lots of people. . .

Two EPD squad cards were stopped at an apartment building on Harrison Street, the officers talking to two men on the porch. At the closely adjacent porch two men sat apparently just watching the street, not trying to pay too close attention to the police interviewing the men only a few feet away I didn't want to interfere with or distract and cause a problem for what the police were doing, so I just kind of quietly waved and told them we were walking through the neighborhood and praying for people. We then went to the same little back alley play ground that we had been to last week and handed out cards to the boys playing basketball. It was kind of funny. The boys kind of dispersed a bit when we came. I thought Chris and Alex were going to have to chase down the boys, but they were able to hand out the fliers and Bible verse cards.

On the way back from the basketball court, Chris and Alex had walked on ahead. . .Melissa stopped and asked the two men where the police cars had been, if they wanted prayer. The one man said, "Nah, I'll pass on that." The other man told us he had a need. . .He needed deliverance from drugs. The porch was behind about a 4 foot high concrete block wall along the sidewalk. He walked down to us and reached over the little wall. His friend kind of followed, but hung back a bit. Melissa, Terry, and I anointed him held his hands and just lifted up a wonderful powerful prayer to God for healing and for deliverance in the name above every other name. . . in the beautiful name of JESUS!!!! By the end of the prayer he was gripping my hands very tightly. . .

It was such a beautiful thing, to see that man crying out to God. . . It was so beautiful. . .If that had been the only thing we had seen all night it would have been well worth it.

This is only the second week in this neighborhood. We have been praying in the Middlebury Street neighborhood for more than two years. We started prayer walking there in March of 2006. . .We thank God for the great things in store for the Marion/Harrison Street neighborhood. . .

We are praying to tear down places of spiritual wickedness and strongholds of darkness. . .Praying to drive out spirits of deception, violence, and bondage. . . We are there show the people the love of God and His power to accomplish any good and righteous thing. . .We are there to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. . .

Thank you God!

Dave Stokely


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