My Little Bottle of God. . .

My head hurts. I go to the cupboard. I find the bottle of aspirin, struggle with the child-proof cap for a moment and take one tablet to make my head ache go away. . .

My heart hurts. I go to my prayer closet. I find God. I come into His presence for a moment and take one dose of Him to make my heart ache go away. . .

When my head hurts, I take an aspirin. When something else hurts, I seek God. When I am lonely, scared, sick. . . I ask Him to do a mighty work of healing, to be with me, to support me. . . to demonstrate His power, His majesty, and grace to the unbelievers so that they might believe. I ask Him to heal my brothers. I can always count on God. Whenever I have a need, I open Him up and pour Him out. . . When He is done, I put Him away back in my cupboard until the next time of need. . . I thank you God for always being there when I need you!

I ponder. . . in the cupboard, next to my little bottle of aspirins, is a big bottle of vitamins. . . . powerful multivitamins. . .100% complete. . . supplying my minimum daily requirements for dozens of vitamins and minerals the label proudly proclaims. . .the list of ingredients on the label is quite impressive. . .to be effective I am supposed to take those every day. . .

Saul took aspirins. . .
David took vitamins. . .



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