Fruit of the Spirit. . . 

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. (Galatians 5:19-25 KJV) 

My life is defined by before and after coming to God. . . It was a pivot point. . . a line of demarcation. . . a transformation. Confusion, pain, anger, unforgiveness, shame on one side. . . peace, love, joy on the other. . . There is no comparison between the two epochs of my life. So much has changed within me that was unexpected, and completely unforeseen in coming to God. 

From the outside looking in, as an unbeliever imagining what life as a believer would be like I completely misunderstood, and underestimated this way of life. I only saw what I thought at the time to be the negatives. . . can’t do this, can’t do that, can’t do the other thing. . . having to go to church. . . having to pray. . . having to read the Bible. . . having to give money offerings to the church. . . 

I envisioned life as a Christian to be the most boring colorless life imaginable. The truth is the complete opposite. This is a life filled with vivid colors, textures, experiences that I were completely invisible to as an unbeliever. I absolutely was blind, and now I see. . . all those things that I looked at as being unable to do, I no longer want to do. . . all those things I thought I would be forced to do as a burden, I now greatly desire to do. 

I have been fundamentally changed. Things I formerly valued I now see as worthless. Things I previously saw as worthless, I now greatly value. Not that I am perfect. . . not that I am never upset or angry or sad, but I now have an equilibrium. . . ballast in my hold if you will, that helps more quickly me regain my peace and stability after the blow of the storm. . . 

The Fruit of the Spirit 

Love: A deep appreciation and enjoyment of the people and things around me. A grateful heart. 

Joy: Happiness at being forgiven. Appreciation for the grace God has shown me. . . Complete forgiveness. . . able to be loved by Him with no hint of accusation for my past sins. 

Peace: No matter what trials I may face on this earth, I have a wondrous place waiting for me in heaven. I have complete confidence that God’s will will prevail. 

Longsuffering: My back was turned to God for the first 45 years of my life, and still He patiently waited. I KNEW there was no God. My faith in that was absolute, and in a span of less than 30 day, my mind was completely changed. Is there any mountain too high for God to climb? Any task insurmountable for Him? The hand of God is moving. . . I watch. . . I wait. . . 

Gentleness: Kindness is never inappropriate. . . loving, giving, caring, service to others with no expectation of return. . showing the love of Christ. . . walking in His path, sacrifice and generosity to the very ones who murdered Him. . . 

Goodness: desiring to do those things pleasing to God. I love God, and He loves me. In this love affair my greatest desire is to make Him happy. Yes one day He will sit in judgement on me, but that is not on my mind. Truthfully I have no focus on heaven or hell. . . I wish to make my beloved happy. . . to lighten His heart, to be a bright spot to Him in a sea of darkness. . . 

Faith: My trust in God. . . the hard belief that even though I cannot see Him, I know that He exists, and is active in this World. . . that He hears my prayers. . . that I can depend upon the promises in His Word. . . 

Meekness: Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is having the power to respond, and yet restraining yourself. Keeping your sword sheathed. Letting God fight my battles. . . not responding in anger, but with patience and love even when greatly provoked. 

Temperance: Self-control, moderation. . . not being overwhelmed by circumstance. . . maintaining perspective. . . not letting your flesh dictate my actions. Being led and ruled by the Spirit of God rather than the appetites of the flesh. 

Fruit takes time, and energy, and effort for the tree to produce. Fruit is not produced for the benefit of the tree. An apple tree does not eat apples. The purpose of fruit is for the seed it contains, for the spawning of more fruit trees. The delicious flesh surrounding the seeds, entices others to pick up the fruit, and enjoy it. . . carrying the fruit as it is consumed. . . finding good earth far from the tree, to begin a new grove of fruitful trees. 

The Spiritual fruit in my life takes effort and growth. If I neglect water. . . good nutrition. . . being planted in a place of Son-light. . . my crop of fruit may fail for a season, but as long as my roots are strong, and the soil deep and fertile, my branches will again be heavily laden with beautiful fruit. . . 

I love you my God. . . 
I give you thanks my Lord. . . 


