Balanced on the Edge of an Infinitely Sharp Sword

Psalms 9:19-20
Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. (20) Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.

God loves us every day. His wonder filled creation, speaks of His great love. Our universe was created entirely as a place for us to reside. I've been reading of the anthropic cosmological principle. There are numbers of physical settings if you will, in the universe, and if any one of these settings had been set at any value different from what it is, no life could exist.

You might envision the universe as being controlled by a large sound board, with banks of dials, and sliders, and switches. . . all precisely set to the value required for life. Scientists can find no reason, that these values are required to be what they are. So far no underlying restrictions have been discovered that the values for these masses, forces, densities, sizes, etc. etc. etc. are in any way constrained to their present settings. All these numbers seem to be totally arbitrary in their values.

Some of the values, if they varied by .000000000000001 from what they are, it would be impossible for life. . . From everything scientists are beginning to understand, for all its vast emptiness, the universe could not be any smaller and still support life. . . New wonders of interconnectedness are found regularly. . .

Everything about the universe we live in, is set exactly as needed for our existence. To attribute all we see to random chance, even to many scientists, this is beginning to require greater faith, than to believe that this must have been intentionally designed by God. . .

This is proving to be quite a difficult concept for unbelievers to explain away. . . all this to say God loves us so very much, that He went to such extreme lengths in His creation

And yet. . . sometimes His love is not enough to attain His purposes. Love can be ignored. To abide in His love is easy. . . but if He is not acknowledged. . . if within His love and blessing, there is no recognition of Him. . . no relationship is desired with Him, then He must reveal Him self in his awful power. . . that which could not be attained by love, will be recognized in a position of fear and trembling. . .every knee shall bow, if not in love, then in abject humility, and brokenness, and fear. . .

v20 Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. . .

Our position is precarious beyond our knowing. We are balanced on the edge of an infinitely sharp razor, in our blindness thinking our way to be a 4 lane highway. . . not seeing how finely tuned everything is for our very existence.

Help us Lord. . .
Light our way. . .

I love you my God. . .
I love you my Lord. . .
