Street Ministry 6-24-10
What a pleasant evening it was last night. The recent storms have washed the air of the stifling humidity. I was surprised at how quiet the evening was. Not many people were out on their porches. It was not an evening of burning bushes, miracles and fiery chariots, but last night was more a peaceful walk with the Lord in the cool of the day. . . A couple of observations. . . I do not remember seeing clover so filled with bees as I did last night, since my childhood. Between Middlebury Street and the tracks at the street's headwaters, is a large patch of clover and it was noticeably filled with busy honeybees. Other spots of clover along the street were likewise being heavily worked by bees. Even in my own yard, with a bee hive only yards away, the clover is not so full of bees as what I saw last night. That gladdened my heart. Maybe feral bee colonies are making a comeback. . . I know my bees are laying down honey at a rate that I've not seen before. They are really f...