Running Late. . .

Ready to go?

You're not ready?
I thought you said you were?

Why didn't you think about that before now?

No, it has to be right now.

There's no more time.

You were supposed to be ready.

You had to know.

I'm sorry.

No, it can't wait.

No, not even five minutes.

It's no use.

There's no more time.

You should have thought about that before.

When you say you're ready, you need to be ready.

You had plenty of time, you should have been all ready.

It's a shame. . .

There's no more time now. . .

It has to be now. . .


No more time. . .

I'm very sorry. . .

It's really a shame.

It's too late. . .

I'm sorry. . .

Nothing can be done now. . .
