
Lord My Redeemer

Isaiah 49:26
And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. (KJV)

I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh;

they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine.
Then all mankind will know
that I, the LORD, am your Savior,
your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob." (NIV)

Isaiah 60:16
Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. (KJV)

You will drink the milk of nations

and be nursed at royal breasts.
Then you will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior,
your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. (NIV)

This has not been an easy name for me to grasp the idea of. We do not use the concept or the word redeemer much anymore in our day to day lives. The only common way that I can think of is when we redeem coupons at the grocery store. I've got a little pile of coupons on my computer keyboard at work. Every fourth or fifth Healthy Choice dinner that I eat for lunch, has a coupon stuck to the plastic wrap inside the box. If you read the fine print on every coupon, it will say something like: cash value 1/20 of one cent . In big numbers it gives what the manufacturer or the store will be willing to pay if you meet all the qualifying terms and buy that product. In a manner of speaking, that is what this concept of redeemer is all about.

The world at large, maybe our co-workers, oftentimes our families, sometimes, possibly even we even look upon ourselves, as having almost no, or a very very low value. It can seem at times that we have a cash value of a mere 1/20th of a cent. We are disrespected. We are misused. Our lives sometimes seem worthless, it would take 2,000 of us to make the worth of a dollar. . ., but there is one who values me much more highly than that. There is one who sees a value within me far exceeding that which anyone else would give. He is my redeemer. He places my value so high. . . higher even than what His own life was worth. He was willing to pay off my debt. The creator of the universe valued me more highly, than His own dignity; He valued me more highly than His own pain. . . I mean everything to Him. . . He gave everything to purchase my freedom. . . He gave everything when no one else saw any value in me at all. . . .

One of my favorite scripture concerning this is:

Psalms 3:2-5
Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. (3) But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. (4) I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. (5) I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.

Many say of me that I have no worth. Many say of me that I will fail. They look at me with narrowed eyes, hoping to catch me in hypocrisy, hoping to see a lessoning of my fervor. . . hoping one day to live to see me compromise my faith, watching to see me stumble and fall, but. . . but. . . but. . . He sustains me. He has redeemed me. He sees value where others see nothing of worth. . . no value at all, a mere 1/20th of a cent. . . He paid the price by the bloody whipping He received, by the indignity. . . by the price of his own agony, by his own blood. . . what a value He saw in me.

The first use of the word is Jacob/Israel talking:

Genesis 48:15-16
And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, (16) The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.

The angel that Israel refers to is here:

Genesis 31:3-17
And the LORD said unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee. (4) And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to the field unto his flock, (5) And said unto them, I see your father's countenance, that it is not toward me as before; but the God of my father hath been with me. (6) And ye know that with all my power I have served your father. (7) And your father hath deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffered him not to hurt me. (8) If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy wages; then all the cattle bore speckled: and if he said thus, The ringstreaked shall be thy hire; then bore all the cattle ringstreaked. (9) Thus God hath taken away the cattle of your father, and given them to me. (10) And it came to pass at the time that the cattle conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a dream, and, behold, the rams which leaped upon the cattle were ringstreaked, speckled, and grizzled. (11) And the angel of God spoke unto me in a dream, saying, Jacob: And I said, Here am I. (12) And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the rams which leap upon the cattle are ringstreaked, speckled, and grizzled: for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee. (13) I am the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, and where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred. (14) And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any portion or inheritance for us in our father's house? (15) Are we not counted of him strangers? for he hath sold us, and hath quite devoured also our money. (16) For all the riches which God hath taken from our father, that is ours, and our children's: now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do. (17) Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and his wives upon camels;

Think of how misused Jacob was. I cannot imagine. . . proposing to the love of my life, getting permission from her father to marry her and then waking up in the marriage bed to discover that my father-in-law has switched daughters on me and that I have worked seven years to marry a woman that I do not love. It had to be done with her consent and cooperation. I mean she doesn't just by accident come to the bridal bed. She must have intentionally remained silent until the consummation of the marriage, or Jacob would have surely known the difference in the voice. . . and now he is married to her! The indignity doesn't even begin to end there, but now Jacob is required to work another seven years, fourteen years in all, for the woman of his heart. I can imagine being upset if there was a mix-up in my paycheck and if I was shorted an hour or two's pay. Jacob was misused and cheated for more than fourteen years. Think of it. Put yourself in his position, but God delivered him. God redeemed him, showed him the way out. . . purchased a victory for him when mortal eyes could surely only see defeat.

The darker the night, the gloomier and more desolate your situation, the more brightly the light of God will appear when He delivers you, when He redeems you from defeat. He is your kinsman redeemer, the one who will, the one who has paid the price for you.

Oh for the faith of Job:

Job 19:25-27
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: (26) And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: (27) Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

Job is not counted among the giants of faith in Hebrews chapter 11, but please God grant me the faith of Job. Job didn't create a mighty ark. Job didn't deliver a people from Egypt. Job didn't defeat a vast army with only 300 men, but Job in the midnight of his trial, stayed anchored in his faith, knowing that he would be redeemed, he would be purchased, he would be delivered from his despair.

Every day, no matter what is going on around me, no matter how far away He seems, I need to remember. . . I need to be able to say:

I know that my redeemer liveth. . .
I know that my redeemer liveth. . .
I know that my redeemer liveth. . .
I know that my redeemer liveth. . .

Thank you Lord.

Thank you Jehovah-Go'el

Dave Stokely
Life Tabernacle
Elkhart, Indiana

I thought that I would start giving the references that I use for each compound name of Jehovah.

This word (Jehovah-Go'el) is translated as:

redeemed, redeem, purchase, kinsman, avenger, revenger, next kinsmen, near kinsman, a kinsman, the kinsman's part, the part of a kinsman, kinsfolk, stain, redeemer, redeemeth, deliver, ransomed (KJV)

Below are the verses where Strong's number H1350 are found:

Genesis 48:16;
Exodus 6:6; 15:13;
Leviticus 25:25, 26, 30, 33, 48, 49, 54; 27:13, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28, 31, 33;
Numbers 5:8; 35:12, 19, 21, 24, 25, 27;
Deuteronomy 19:6, 12
Joshua 20:3, 5, 9;
Ruth 2:20; 3:9, 12, 13; 4:1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14;
2 Samuel 14:11;
1 Kings 16:11;
Job 3:5; 19:25;
Psalms 19:14; 69:18; 72:14; 74:2; 77:15; 78:35; 103:4; 106:10; 107:2; 119:154;
Proverbs 23:11;
Isaiah 35:9; 41:14; 43:1, 14; 44:6, 22, 23, 24; 47:4; 48:17, 20; 49:7, 26; 51:10; 52:3, 9; 54:5, 8; 59:20; 60:16; 62:12; 63:4, 9, 16;
Jeremiah 31:11; 50:34;
Lamentations 3:58;
Hosea 13:14;
Micah 4:10;
