Street Ministry - Middlebury Street 7-21-9
I had a very good night last night talking and praying with people on Middlebury Street. I was by myself. It was a pleasant summers evening. Warm and a little humid, but surely not exceptional for the third week of July. Lots of people were out. As one neighborhood resident remarked, "The street has been very quiet. . .", and that is a good thing. Spent time talking with Ralph, the neighborhood observer. Most anytime during the daylight hours, Ralph can be seen sitting on his porch watching the world go by. He is retired. Sometimes I wave at him three or four times in a day as I travel up and down Middlebury Street in my car. Spent quite a bit of time at David and Zoe's. David's health continues to deteriorate. His head is just covered with tumors. He has skin cancer behind one ear and now is having growths of some kind erupt beside his nose. . .the have tremendous financial needs. . . medicine and oxygen, diabetic supplies, etc. for David. . .very difficul...