Marion/Harrison Street ministry. . .
Marion Street 1-12-9 About a month ago or so, when I picked Blessing Bob (formerly known as Cigar Bob) up for church he met me at the door of his home very upset. He had seen a news story that in the upcoming weeks or months that all television transmissions were going to be digital and that his little old TV with the small fuzzy picture wasn't going to work at all any more. At the minimum he was going to need a converter box and with Bob and his friend George being on a very limited income and not understanding about the government sponsored rebate coupons, etc., Bob was very upset. Bob is 87 years old. He has been coming to church with Terry Wallin and I for probably 8-10 weeks now. Bob, Terry, and I sit in the balcony and worship God together each week. A few weeks ago, Bob's room mate George also came to church with us. George is in his 90's. 87 year old Bob is 90 something George's caretaker. George and Bob have almost no contact with the outside world othe...