This video is about my prayers for my Mother after she had a stroke, and we were told that she would be a vegetable.
Showing posts from December, 2022
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Random thoughts. . . Memories of many years gone by, orbiting my head this afternoon. . . all three of ancient old men, whom my path has crossed with in the last 50 years. . . The first was when I was in high school. My father worked on the railroad, and as such had a free rail pass, and in high school, on the weekends, I would take the train up to Chicago and go to visit the museums or go to Old Town, which in the day was full of head shops, and hippy type stores. In the train station one day, I cannot remember the details, but somehow I connected with an ancient old one legged, one eyed wizened and weathered black man, with what might be described as a cloth wrapped beggars crutch. He was sitting in the Chicago train station, waiting for the train to St. Louis. . . He said he was taking the train home to die. Again, I haven’t thought of this in over 50 years, and cannot remember the details, but I remember sitting with him for a good long time that day, as he to...
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I am working on memorizing Psalm 139. Memorization does not come at all easy to me. I have to go back and review previous verses to keep them anchored in my mind. In my review this morning verse 12 stood out to me: Psalms 139:12 KJV Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. The darkness hideth not from thee: The night shineth as the day; This verse powerfully spoke to me. God doesn't see by visible light, as we do. God's sight is deeper, and reveals hidden things. The Hubble telescope, viewed the universe in visible light, which is only a miniscule part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The recently launched James Webb telescope, views the universe in the invisible to us, infrared. . . heat portion of the spectrum, and in its first few pictures is revealing stunning hidden stars and structures. The James Webb resides far out into space, away from other celestial...
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Talking with some friends this morning about looking for bald eagles to see on our upcoming trip, when to my mind came the following memory: My father had a friend who was a falconer. My son, Colin, my father, and my brother (all now passed away) went to a little scrub field, maybe an acre or two in size, in a town 10-15 miles away. The bird was a red tailed hawk, same as the picture above. The bird had a jess (a leather strap) with a couple of bells around its leg. When we got to the field, the falconer lifted the bird up from his forearm into the air, and the bird took off and landed in the top of the tallest tree in the field. We then proceeded to walk the field through the weeds and bushes until we kicked up a rabbit. The hawk from the top of the tree swooped down, the little bells on the jess ringing, letting us follow the sound to the bird. The hawk's talons had pierced the rabbit's sides, killing it instantly. The falconer then twisted off the rabbit's head, an...