
Showing posts from April, 2009

An Answered Prayer. . .

Yesterday between Sunday School and our Worship Service, Terry Wallin and I drove to pick up Blessing Bob, whom you remember Terry and I met  on Marion Street, doing street ministry last summer.  On the way to Bob's, thinking of our wonderful street ministry of last year, out of the blue I spoke a word of faith with confidence, "We will see Mellissa again and she will one day be back in our lives. . ." and then I said a prayer out loud for her.  Melissa, Terry and I were the three musketeers. . . we just had a grand time ministering on the streets of Elkhart, but unfortunately Melissa has been missing for quite some time now.  She is not presently involved in our ministry and neither is she worshiping with us. . . In the middle of the afternoon today, a little more than 24 hours from my prayers yesterday, I received a text message on my phone, "Hi Brother Dave.  How are you?"  It was from an unknown phone number, but my heart gladdened within me, "Melissa??...

The Collapse of Self. . .

Our consciousness first begins in the womb, where there we are intimately connected to our environment.  There is no distinction between we and they.  There is little sense of self and personal identity.  We know no other.  We and the universe are one. . .The mother breath provides our breath.  The mother blood carries nutrition and sustenance invisibly to us, all beyond our awareness.  We live in perfection. . . pleasantly floating. . .feeling no effects of gravity or lack of want.  There is no fear, no hunger, no anger, nothing disrupts or frustrates the total unity of our needs and desires.  We know of no ambition beyond us, until that velvet vault turns suddenly into a velvet vise.  The formerly perfectly nurturing, supporting walls become constricting and painful to the point of crescendo in our rude expulsion from our little metaphorical and privately dedicated garden of Eden. The separation complete, now gasping in unknown disbelief.  Bright lights, the chill of exposed skin in ...